Thursday, December 10, 2009

What's This Nasty Butt Taste In My Mouth??!!

Ok, so this post isn't going to be all cutesy wootsy fartsy tartsy baby stuff and the joys experienced during pregnancy. I would love to go into all that but today I just can't get passed this horrid taste in my mouth!! For the past few days I've been noticing this raunchy left over taste in my mouth after I eat, drink, talk, think, even brush my teeth! Whatever it is, I know it is NOT normal! I've never experienced anything like it!

I've tried to drown the taste by drinking water, orange juice, eating crackers, bananas, apples, and while those foods taste delicious and are indeed nutritious, the yummy taste only lasts for the moment and does nothing for the dead animal stank up in my mouth! :(

I decided I should probably make sure I'm not the only pregnant woman who has had such experiences. All I had to do was go to google and type in "pregnant bad ta.. " and it filled the rest in for me "aste in my mouth". Immediately I was relieved! For one, I'm not a complete whackjob, there are others who've had this problem, and two, someone is going to tell me why and what to do about it!

Medically speaking, I found out that hormones, and in particular estrogen, play a role in controlling and moderating our sense of taste. And when you're pregnant, estrogen levels — and hence your sense of taste — may fluctuate widely. Ok, sounds legit, now what do I do to get rid of it?!?!

One woman said she tried brushing, gum, mints, lemons, orange tic tacs, etc but nothing worked for her. Then she accidently found out that salt water made it go away (she was at the beach an apparently got attacked by a wave and was cured). So that's not too bad! I'll just have to gargle some salt water like when I have a sore throat and I should be good to go!!

So girls, women, and ladies... If you have yet to be pregnant or plan to be again someday, if you ever suffer from this problem of "I'd rather stick my head in a toilet than sit here another second with this revolting taste in my mouth", you are not the only one out there and there are solutions to help!! PASS THE SALT PLEASE!!!


  1. Nasty butt taste,hmmmmmm.......

  2. This was priceless! What was even funnier was how despite the absolute disgustingness in her mouth she pouted like a 4 year old and stomped her foot when I tried to get her to gargle some salt water lol. It was worse than the time I had to chase her around the house and she hid under the bed because she needed to drink some Theraflu!

  3. So welcome to pregnancy!!! I never had a bad taste in my mouth but when the morning sickness really got rolling, I always new when to head for the bathroom because my mouth would fill with saliva like a fountain came on in my mouth!!! So weird!!! Enjoy! LOL :)
